Due to the current pandemic a lot of people might start developing anxiety symptoms and for those who already have anxiety might start presenting with panic. majority of the people are anxious about loosing their jobs and having an unsettling feeling of uncertainty. Typically people are taught a series of progressive muscle relaxation exercises .
Relaxation training is presented as a method for counteracting the individuals physiological responses to anxiety. this can be tied to e.g. ( palpitations, sweating, insomnia etc..). Relaxation is described as a skill that the individual can learn to gain greater control of his or her own bodily responses. Like all skills , relaxation requires practice to master. The goal is to provide individuals with rapid, reliable and portable means for coping with anxiety.
Progressive muscle relaxation ( Twelve -Muscle-Group Relaxation)
The purpose is to help the patient notice the differences between tension and relaxation. The twelve muscle group is as follows.
1. Lower arms : tightening the fists and pulling them up .
2. Upper arms : Tensing the arms by the side of the body
3. Lower legs : Extending the legs and pointing the feet up.
4. Thighs Pushing the legs together
5. Stomach : pushing it towards the spine
6. shoulders : picking them up towards the ears
7. upper chest and back : Inhaling into the upper lungs and holding for a count of 10.
8. back to the neck: pushing the head back
9. lips: pushing the lips without clenching the teeth.
10. Eyes: Squinting with eyes closed
11. Eyebrows : Pushing them together
12. Upper forehead and scalp: Raising the eyebrows
Assume a comfortable seated position, with both legs on the floor while you are listening to the recording.
Very informative and helpful especially for people who suffer from anxiety.
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Thank you ma’am
thank you for visiting the page.
I personally suffer from anxiety and it comes when I least expect it…so knowing these relaxation methods is truly amazing!
I tried the exercise just now and I can attest…it works!!
I glad this could be of assistance and it worked for you.
This is soo helpful well iam staying with someone who suffers from anxiety and i see it helping her all the time its really great and iam thankful for this easy and accessible help.
My sister recommend this website for me since i suffer from depression and anxiety from time to time , i went through all the necessary information and relaxation methods. And i must say that i find everything useful.💗💕